Tux Racer
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December 13, 2001
1. Welcome
2. Minimum System Requirements
3. Technical Issues
4. Acknowledgements
5. Changes
1. Welcome
Thank you for purchasing Tux Racer.
This document contains last minute information about Tux Racer, as
well as a guide to finding answers to your technical questions. For
the latest in information and patches, be sure to visit the Tux Racer
website at http://www.tuxracer.com or the Sunspire Studios website at
2. Minimum System Requirements
Hard Disk Space Required: 125 Mb
Under Windows, DirectX 8.0 or greater is required (available from
Under Linux, XFree86 3.3.5 or newer is required.
Minimum Specs:
300Mhz CPU
OpenGL compatible graphics card
DirectSound compatible sound card (Windows)
OSS compatible sound card (Linux)
Suggested Specs:
500Mhz CPU
32MB OpenGL compatible graphics card
DirectSound compatible sound card (Windows)
OSS compatible sound card (Linux)
Supported Operating Systems:
Windows 98
Windows 2000
Windows ME
Windows XP
Linux (x86 only, kernel 2.2.x or 2.4.x)
Supported Video Cards (Windows):
(ALL Cards must be have at least 16MB Video RAM)
Matrox G450 [2]
Matrox G550 [2]
ATI Radeon
3dfx Voodoo3 [3]
[1] Updated drivers may be required for TNT2 cards. These can be
retrieved from the nVidia web site (www.nvidia.com).
[2] Matrox cards will require the latest drivers from the Matrox web
site (www.matrox.com). Also, for shadows and reflections to operate
correctly, you must change the advanced properties in the Matrox power
desktop to turn on 32-bitZ.
[3] 3dfx no longer exists and therefore there is no longer any vendor
support for these video cards. We have tested Tux Racer on the
Voodoo3 2000 graphics card with success. The Voodoo4 and Voodoo5
models may also work, but we have not tested these models.
Supported Video Cards (Linux):
These cards will require the latest Linux drivers available from
Other cards with complete OpenGL 1.2-compatible Linux drivers should
work with Tux Racer, but are not supported.
3. Technical Issues
3.1. Ensure that you have the latest drivers for your video card.
In order to properly run Tux Racer, you make sure that you have
installed the latest OpenGL-compatible drivers for your video card.
Windows users can obtain the latest drivers from their video card
manufacturer's web site. Here is a partial list:
NVIDIA: http://www.nvidia.com
ATI: http://www.ati.com
Matrox: http://www.matrox.com
3dfx: http://www.voodoofiles.com [3dfx no longer provides support]
Linux users:
Linux NVIDIA drivers are available here:
Information about Linux drivers for ATI products is available here:
Information about Linux drivers for Matrox products is available here:
Information about Linux drivers for 3dfx products is available here:
3.2. Switching between 32-bit color and 16-bit color.
You can switch between 32-bit color and 16-bit color from the
Configure->Video screen. However, on some systems this will produce
an error.
If you are unable to switch between 32-bit color and 16-bit color
in-game, you can change this setting by editing Tux Racer's options
file. Quit Tux Racer and open the TuxRacer\config\options.txt file
(in Windows) or the ~/.tuxracer-v1/options file (in Linux). Search
for the line that starts with "set bpp_mode" and change it to
set bpp_mode 1
for 16-bit color or
set bpp_mode 2
for 32-bit color.
3.3. 32-bit color for full features
Some features (such as reflections, shadows, and bump-mapping) only
work using 32-bit color. (See 3.2 above for information on switching
between 32-bit color and 16-bit color.)
3.4. 16-Bit Windowed mode issue
On some systems, windowed mode only works in 32-bit color mode, so if
you are having problems playing Tux Racer in windowed mode, first set
your desktop bit depth to 32-bit, as well as setting Tux Racer to
32-bit color mode. (See 3.2 above for information on switching between
32-bit color and 16-bit color.)
3.5. Framerate improvement
If you find your framerate seems low, try disabling shadows by
clicking the checkbox off in the Configure->Graphics screen. Turning
off shadows will have a bigger impact on performance than any of the
other options.
3.6. Difficulty level
If you find the default settings are too difficult, try setting the
level of difficulty to Easy by going to the Player Selection screen,
creating a new player and selecting Easy from the Difficulty box.
3.7. 11KHz sound issue
Sound needs to be set to 22KHz or higher to avoid problems with music
playback. Note that the only way of changing the sound settings is by
editing the options file.
4. Acknowledgements
Tux Racer uses the Simple Directmedia Layer Library (SDL) under the
terms of the GNU Library General Public License. See the file
LGPL.txt for a copy of this license. Source code for SDL is included
in the 'extras' directory of the Tux Racer CD. SDL is Copyright (C)
1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Sam Lantinga.
Tux Racer uses the SDL MPEG Player Library (SMPEG) under the terms of
the GNU Library General Public License. See the file LGPL.txt for a
copy of this license. Source code for SMPEG is included in the
'extras' directory of the Tux Racer CD. SMPEG is Copyright (C) 1999
Loki Entertainment Software.
Tux Racer (Linux Version) uses the SDL_mixer Library under the terms
of the GNU Library General Public License. See the file LGPL.txt for
a copy of this license. Source code for SDL_mixer is included in the
'extras' directory of the Tux Racer CD. SMPEG is Copyright (C) 1999
Loki Entertainment Software.
Tux Racer uses the Loki Setup Installer, written by Sam Lantinga and
StΘphane Peter, under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
See the file GPL.txt for a copy of this license. The installer also
uses the Loki SetupDB package written by StΘphane Peter and Sam
Lantinga at Loki Software, Inc., which is also covered by the GNU
General Public License. Source code for the Setup Installer and
SetupDB is included in the the 'extras' directory of the Tux Racer CD.
Tux Racer use the libz library, Copytigh 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly
and Mark Adler.
Tux Racer use the libpng library, Copyright 2000, 2001 Glenn
Tux Racer uses the Tcl library by Scriptics Corporation. The Tcl
licensing terms are included in the file Tcl_license.txt included on
the Tux Racer CD.
5. Changes
Version 1.1:
- First retail release
- Added Head-to-Head mode
- Several gameplay tweaks and bug fixes
Version 1.0.003:
- Added low-res versions of object models
Version 1.0.002:
- Tweaked English font bitmaps
- Disabled obsolete F10 console keybinding
Version 1.0.001:
- Fixed music loading bug in Arctic Cup